sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2018

Gautama and the Dragon ¡Ya a la venta!

Introduction for
parents and teachers

In the middle of a world in constant and exponential convulsion, a serene thought allows me to reach a hopeful conclusion about the future: if there is a better tomorrow (I believe there is), it lies within the small people, who should receive the best in each one of us. Their accomplishments will depend –largely– on their parent’s efforts and abilities in giving them a family culture that favours healthy minds and free spirits. In short, all that doesn’t abound in our current and sophisticated adult reality.

After analysing the social circumstances that surround and condition us, a profound and mature restructuring of priorities and objectives is in order. I understand that these changes must arrive as the result of a consensus between those who form the head of the family (whoever it may be), re-evaluating the common goals and making ethical and spiritual values a priority; knowing that doing so will demand a change of coordinates regarding the concept we’ve had of the material world and our relationship with it.
The free choice of rejecting social conventions is not a recipe that can be developed in other people unless one has experienced it oneself. This is the precise soundness of any project that aspires to progress: the intention -the drawn-out plan- has to be personified by those who want to transfer it to others; especially if those “others” are the little ones.
We must be aware that shaping a self-governing life with respect to mainstream society –in order for it not to be weak– must be done by parents who educate their young ones in an honest, solid and constant way. This is what differenciates the educated teacher from the preacher selling propaganda that hasn´t been previously impregnated. In eight words: the best way to teach is by example.
Let this be an opportunity to assert that much can be learned during daily chores; and a lot can be learned if we get close to a child´s world, playing on the floor. Of course it can. School is superimposed in a home, we just have to bring it out and live it. As adults, we must be students ready to hear the vibrant message of life a child gives us. This is the essence of any spiritual path which doesn´t have anything to do with human institutions.
This book is dedicated to those who, fed up with the governing ignorance and worried about constructing a home where spiritual growth is present, are occupied with the discreet and pacient task of reaching balance and happiness through knowledge. A knowledge –lacking any tone of grandiosity– that is practical, and fertile enough to intellectually and emotionally regenerate all of the members of the family. A more than competent knowledge to teach without taboos or shortages.
Such knowledge adapts to a child´s universe through a story. This is how it´s always been. Stories are created to pass on values and describe the world´s realities, making children aware of the risks of blindly believing in appearances. The child, overwhelmed by an imagination untamed yet by the years, identifies him/herself with the main character´s role. And assumes the challenges offered in the story as his/her own, until they´re solved.
This way, the fantasy story goes beyond mere entertainment and it turns into an enriched tool that complements the teaching the parents carry out the rest of the time. At the same time, the story claims its own place beyond the childhood scope, knocking on the door of those adults open to learn. Because, in short –whether it´s a parable, a fable, or a story– that which reminds us that rational paradigms trap the spirit shouldn´t be reserved exclusively for a child´s ears, it´s something that belongs to any age group. In truth, maybe only by not listening to what human reasoning and appearances impose on us, we can find the key that opens the door to the lost knowledge.

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